Take Control Of Your
Midlife Health And Achieve:

  • Improved Sleep
  • Boosted Energy
  • Better Sex
  • Eased Joint Pain
  • Enhanced Focus
  • And So Much More!

sanoMidLife Has Everything You Need

Menopause is a shared experience. Don’t face it alone.

Clinical Assessments

Consult online with sanoMidLife's menopause experienced gynecologists, nurse practitioners, dieticians, and therapists or locally for in-person care when needed.

Access to Health Professionals*

Consult online with sanoMidLife's menopause experienced gynecologists, nurse practitioners, dieticians, and therapists or locally for in-person care when needed.

Prescription Medication and Management

Receive only clinically proven medications for your specific symptoms and health history, widely covered by insurance.

Personal Care Plan and Dashboard

Monitor your milestones, manage treatments, and access tailored resources for your menopause journey.

Menopause Coaching at Your Fingertips

Choose between sanoMidLife's specialized menopause coaches and Sano, your virtual assistant, to stay on track and in control.

Reliable Educational Materials

Discover accurate, clinically validated, factual information to clarify menopause myths and realities.

Lifestyle and Exercise Support

Benefit from personalized fitness plans, nutrition advice, and wellness strategies to enhance your overall health and alleviate menopause symptoms.

Vitamin and Supplement Recommendations

Trust sanoMidLife’s evidence-informed guidance on essential vitamins and supplements that effectively improve your midlife health journey.

Peer-to-Peer Support Groups

Connect with peers in sanoMidLife's safe spaces, sharing lived experiences for mutual growth and support

Take a Peak Inside sanoMidLife

We understand the critical importance of protecting your personal health information. Your privacy is our top priority, and we are committed to maintaining the confidentiality, integrity, and security of all client data within our platform. For more information on how we safeguarding of your personal health data, visit our Privacy Pledge

Health Snapshot:

Transform your midlife hormonal health with a personalized plan tailored just for you.

Let’s kickstart your journey to better midlife health together!

  • One Appointment with a Health Coach
  • One Appointment with a Nurse Practitioner or Naturopathic Doctor*
  • Blood Work Testing
  • Treatment Plan ​
  • Three month prescription (if required)​

*Your sanoClinician may recommend additional tests not covered by this program or your insurance. If so, they will explain why it’s recommended, and any fees involved.

***Appointments within 1 week.

***Taxes may apply.

(One-Time Fee...)
Book a Health Snapshot
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